Young Lemon Tree Care
Young lemon tree care
Newly-planted lemon trees have not yet developed their root systems outside the planting hole. Plan to water your lemon tree every 2-3 days in the first month after planting. After the first month, decrease the frequency to every 3-5 days for the following couple of months.
How do you take care of a newly planted lemon tree?
You should be irrigating newly planted citrus twice a week and more frequently during dry spells and watering established citrus deeply once a week, enough to keep the soil moist. If your citrus tree is in a container, water when the soil is dry 1 to 2 inches down; if in the ground, when dry 4 to 6 inches down.
How do you take care of a potted lemon tree?
So the trick is to just recreate nature water it really well let it drain. Really well let it dry
Should I prune a baby lemon tree?
Young lemon trees are pruned as often as needed to shape their structural framework. For mature lemon trees, the best time to prune is after every harvest once or twice a year.
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